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This website has a lot of written text. We have made Easy English pages. You can read them by using the links below.

What we do

We offer a range of services to help you in your daily life and to achieve your goals. You can find out more about our services by clicking on the pictures below.

Workshops web


Learn about autism in a workshop or an online webinar

What happens when you come to us?

Here are some things you can expect if you come to an Aspect school or service.

We believe your needs come first

Aspect knows that every person is important and deserves a chance to take part in their community. This is called having a valued role.

We believe your needs come first. When we think about our services, we are thinking about your needs. This is called a Person Centred Approach.

We will give you information about what to expect about our services

When you agree to use an Aspect service or go to an Aspect school we will give you information like a handbook and a service agreement or enrolment contract. You can also find lots of information on this website. This will tell you what you can expect from us and what we need you to do to make sure you have a good experience.

We can help you with making decisions and choosing what you want

We believe that

  1. You have the right to make decisions about the things that affect you.
  2. You can make your own decisions.
  3. Sometimes you might need help to make your own decisions.
  4. How much help you need depends on what you are making a decision about.
  5. You have a right to try new and different things.
  6. It is OK if you change your mind about what you have decided to do.
  7. It is OK for you to choose to do something that other people don’t like or think you should not do. It is your choice.

We will give you information about how much Aspect services cost

It costs money to use an Aspect service or go to an Aspect school.

When you use an Aspect service or go to an Aspect school we will:

  • Tell you before you agree to the service how much it will cost.
  • Tell you how you can pay for the service. For some services, you can use your NDIS Package, for other services you must pay with your own money.
  • We will send you an invoice or a bill for the services we have given you. The invoice will tell you:
    • What the invoice is for.
    • How much you need to pay.
    • How you can pay.
    • When you need to pay it by.
    • Who to contact if you have any question about the bill.

Aspect will not tell you how to look after your money. We do not give financial advice.

We have information that tells you how we work


Policies - Easy English

Easy English is a way of writing that uses everyday words, simple sentences and images to support the messages. It is different to plain English or plain language.


Aspect wants to make sure that everyone can access information about what services Aspect provides, how we do our work, how you can access our services and what you can expect if you choose to access a service provided by Aspect
0 W2 A51581

Help in other languages

Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect) wants to make sure that everyone can access information about what services Aspect provides, how we do our work, how you can access our services and what you can expect if you choose to access a service provided by Aspect.
Support Coordination planning web

Giving feedback

We want you to tell us what you think about Aspect and how you feel about us

Reporting incidents

You should tell us if you get hurt or nearly hurt when you are at an Aspect Service

National Autism Strategy

In 2022, the Australian Government announced the development of a National Autism Strategy.
The Government wants to make sure that autistic people have their say.

To find out more about the National Autism Strategy, go to the Department of Social Services website:

What is the Royal Commission?

This Royal Commission is called the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.

We usually call it the Royal Commission.

You can learn more about the Royal Commission here.

What is the National Redress Scheme?

The National Redress Scheme:

  • started on 1 July 2018
  • will run for 10 years
  • will end in 2028.
  • Redress is a way of trying to make things right.

The National Redress Scheme is a way to support people who experienced child sexual abuse:

  • by an institution
  • while an institution was supposed to be looking after them.

You can learn more about the National Redress Scheme here

What is modern slavery?

Modern slavery is a serious type of exploitation that can happen to anyone.

Exploitation is when someone takes advantage of you.

You can learn more about Modern Slavery here

If you would like to know more about Aspect, our schools, our services or our research, you can call us or send an enquiry form below

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Phone us to discuss how we can help you.

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