What is the Royal Commission?

This Royal Commission is called the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.
We usually call it the Royal Commission.
We need the Royal Commission because we know that people with disability experience:
- violence – if someone is hurting you physically

- abuse – if someone is treating you badly

- neglect – if someone is not helping you the way they are supposed to help you

- exploitation – if someone is taking advantage of you

You can learn more about the Disability Royal Commission here
The Australian Government has made a website with Easy Read information and Auslan videos, about the Disability Royal Commission.
The Royal Commission has now ended.
The Royal Commission wrote a Final Report about what they learnt and what they recommend.
You can read an easy read Guide to the Final report for more information.
What was Aspect’s response to the Royal Commission?
Aspect responded in 3 ways to the Disability Royal Commission.
- Aspect wrote to the Royal Commission with information the Royal Commission asked us for. The Royal Commission sent letters to Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect) to ask for information. These letters were called a Notice to Give Information in Writing, and a Notice to Produce (Notices). The Notices asked Aspect about its work from 1 January 2015 to 13 May 2020. Aspect wrote back with its answers (response) to the Notices to the Disability Royal Commission on 23 June 2020.
- Aspect wrote to the Royal Commission to answer questions asked of anyone in the Royal Commission’s issues papers.
- Aspect is looking at the Final Report recommendations. The recommendations are written about all places in Australia. Aspect knows these recommendations are important. We are deciding what actions to take in response. If you want know more about our actions in response to the Final report, please contact us.
Aspect also responded to some issues papers.
We also have more complex information on the Royal Commission. That information is not in an Easy Read format.