Aspect is proud to be associated with these organisations.
Australian Autism Alliance

Everyone is looking for better ways to realise the enormous potential of Autistic Australians.
Autistic people want to be the best that they can be.
Their families and carers want access to the best available opportunities.
Service providers want to provide the best support.
Researchers want to ensure best practice.
Government want to make the best investment.
The Australian Autism Alliance is a pioneering network of organisations seeking to add unique value to the lives of Autistic people in Australia. It brings together Autistic people, their parents and carers, service providers and researchers.
Aspect is a proud partner of the Alliance.
Australian Advisory Board on Autism

The Australian Advisory Board on Autism is the national peak body representing people who have an autism spectrum disorder, their families, carers and helpers. Through its members, the Advisory Board represents over 12,000 people who live with an autism spectrum disorder and who are members of, or who obtain services from, the Advisory Board’s member organisations. There are many more people who have an autism spectrum disorder (often accompanying other conditions) but whose needs are met either privately or through other disability programs.
The focus of the Advisory Board is working with governments to develop appropriate policies for people who have an autism spectrum condition, their families and carers, disseminating information about autism and working with the Australian autism community to build skills.
Autism CRC
Autism CRC was established in 2013 and is the world’s first national, cooperative research effort focused on autism. They provide the national capacity to develop and deliver evidence-based outcomes through a unique collaboration with the autism community, research organisations, industry and government. Currently, they have 56 participant organisations and other partners based around Australia and internationally.
Their vision is to see autistic people empowered to discover and use their diverse strengths and interests. Their mission is to motivate, facilitate and translate collaborative autism research across the life span, underpinned by inclusive practices. Their programs take a whole-of-life view from diagnosis and the early years, through the school years and into adult life. They are committed to inclusive research practices and coproduction of outcomes with those on the spectrum and their families to ensure research provides practical and tangible outputs that benefit the community.
Autism Initiatives

Autism Initiatives operates in a variety of locations throughout the UK and Ireland and offers a wide range of support for autistic people. From supported living to schools, from a short break service to one stop shops, from work placements to training, clubs and activities, Autism Initiatives has a wealth of resources and expertise that support autistic people to achieve their personal goals.
Aspect signed an agreement with Autism Initiatives, the UK’s second largest national autism-specific service provider for the exclusive use of Autism Initiatives’ Five Point Star framework in Australia. This unique person-centred autism-specific framework was developed by Autism Initiatives over a period of ten years and its application has brought outstanding results to many individuals on the spectrum.