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The enrolment process

Step 1 - Attend a School Information Session

Families who are interested in enrolling their child into an Aspect school are encouraged to attend an information session at any Aspect school. The sessions are designed to provide families with an overview of the Aspect education program, the variety of classes we have, how we transition students to a less specialised setting and the enrolment process. For sessions that are not held at the school property, a visit to the school can be requested.

Please contact your local Aspect School to find out when their next information session is being held.

Step 2 - Register your child to an Aspect school’s waiting list

A Registration to an Aspect school form can be obtained by attending a school information session. If you are unable to attend one, please contact the Aspect school that you wish to apply to.

The registration is to determine your child’s eligibility for enrolment at an Aspect school. To be eligible your child must:

  • be an Australian citizen, a permanent resident of Australia or hold an eligible Australian visa.
  • have a current formal diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder which is no more than 2 years old.
  • have a current psychometric assessment that is not more than 2 years old
  • In South Australia, a second report from a Psychologist or Speech Pathologist to confirm the diagnosis is required.

When a child is deemed eligible, they will be registered on the school’s waiting list. The order of placement on the waiting list does not determine the order of an enrolment offer.

The registration form will detail all reports and documents required to process your child’s registration.

Step 3 – School enrolment committee to fill a school vacancy

When a position becomes available at the school, all students on the waitlist who can potentially fill the vacancy will be considered. The decision about how to fill the vacancy is made based on a range of considerations.

Step 4 – Family invited to an interview meeting

Students, along with their family, may be asked to come for an interview.

Step 5 – The enrolment offer

A formal letter of offer and an Enrolment Contract is sent to the parents/guardians of a student who has been successfully selected to commence enrolment at an Aspect school.

The offer is accepted by the parents/guardians through payment of the non-refundable enrolment fee and return of the signed copy of the Enrolment Contract.

School Fees

A student's placement at one of our schools is partially funded by the state and federal governments. However, these contributions do not cover all the costs of our specialised intensive approach to autism education and to preparing our students for transition to a more general educational setting. The balance of the cost of each place is met through school fees, which are subject to annual review.

Frequency Primary School Secondary School Distance Education
Monthly (12 payments) $554 $570 $260
Over 3 periods (3 times per year) $2,216 $2,280 $1,040
Yearly (One off payment) $6,648 $6,840 $3,120

Sibling discount

When siblings attend an Aspect school at the same time, the eldest child will be charged the full school fee, the second and subsequent children will each receive a 10% discount.

Regional Discount

Some students living in regional areas will receive a regional discount of 5% on their fees. We use the ABS definition of regional so students from Adelaide, Albury, Wagga Wagga, Port Macquarie and Coffs Harbour are currently eligible for this discount.

Sponsored places and fee relief

We rely on community support to be able to offer assistance to our students' families in relation to the payment of school fees. With this support, we are able to make sure that our students receive the best possible educational programs and at the same time grow our services to meet the ever increasing need, particularly in regional areas.

We are also able to offer a limited number of sponsored places for eligible students, subject to relative need and availability. This helps us broaden access to Aspect School services for those students whose families would otherwise not be able to afford the annual Aspect School fees.

We know too, that exceptional circumstances can arise for our students' families and that this may make it difficult to meet their obligations. In these cases, our families may be able to apply for fee reduction for a short period of time.

Conditions outlined above are subject to change.

Additional costs

In addition to school fees, families may be asked to pay for, but not limited to, excursions, camps, sport programs, community access programs, and satellite class host school payment. Distance Education fees are inclusive of all charges except travel costs associated with face to face days & resources to access online learning including IT, WIFI, Printer etc.

Withdrawal from school

If you intend to withdraw your child from school, you are required to give the school principal one term’s notice in writing. If notice received is less than one term, 1 month of school fees will be payable in lieu of notice.

Enrolment fee

From 1 Jan 2024 to secure a place in an Aspect school, new enrolments must pay $1,500. This payment will be deducted from the first term’s school fees. The enrolment fee is non-refundable. Distance Education students will pay a $500 non-refundable enrolment fee.

Prompt payment discounts

Discounts are available for full payment of annual school fees upfront. The deadline to receive this discount is payment in full by 15 February each year. Discounts are also available for on-time payment of the three instalment invoices – discounts and payment deadlines are outlined in the invoices.

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