A message from our Principal
Aspect South Coast School is a thriving learning community of students, parents, teachers, teacher aides, learning support team and school administration staff who are committed to providing a rich, challenging and rewarding education that is specifically designed for children who are on the Autism Spectrum.
At Aspect South Coast School, we believe that every child can achieve when given the right support, educational environment and time. With this belief, the school’s staff place a high value on literacy and numeracy as the building blocks for learning and success across the curriculum, and upon providing opportunities for our students to prepare them for life at, and beyond school. We are committed to meeting the needs of children on the autism spectrum and supporting their families.
In many cases, over time, students build their life and educational skills and are able to transition from their Aspect class to their local school or a similar “mainstream” class (this could also be a support unit within the Department of Education). This arrangement gives students the opportunity to transition into a mainstream environment while maintaining small class sizes and additional autism-specific learning support to guide the students along their educational journey. Having learnt many valuable lessons from the online learning environment of recent years, teachers and students at Aspect South Coast School continue to explore and implement new technologies to develop students learning capacity across all Key Learning Areas. We aim to develop the strengths and interests of each student through understanding and implementing Aspect's approach, and the development of each student’s Individual Plan using the Aspect Five Point Star, which focuses on each student’s individual likes, preferences and strengths. In doing so, we get to know each child deeply, sharing and celebrating their successes with you along their educational journey.
I am proud to be the Principal of Aspect South Coast School; a caring and thriving learning community where we see each child as “a different brilliant!”.
Rowena Perritt
Principal, Aspect South Coast School
Contact the South Coast School
Main Site: 4 Wilford St, Corrimal NSW 2518
Tel: 02 4285 2393

Why choose an Aspect school?

Satellite Class Program

Enrolment & Fees
Enrolment Information Sessions
Enrolment Information Sessions are held regularly throughout the year. The Information Session is for families who want to know more about our education program and the enrolment process. For the schedule of information sessions, please contact the school on:

Additional Support

Aspect Education FAQ's

Prospectus & Annual Report

Resources for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples

Aspect South Coast Schoool Policies
We’ve upgraded our school!
Our South Coast school has undergone an extensive renovation under the Aspect’s Capital Works Master Plan, Investing in Our Future. The scope of works for the refurbishment included the addition of two new classrooms, a library, a sensory room, and a new school hall to allow for indoor recreation activities. All classrooms have undergone a complete refurbishment incorporating autism-specific design improvements to support sensory requirements for our students. The school also has a newly landscaped outdoor play area with new play equipment.
Aspect South Coast School now boasts a total of 7 classrooms (up from 4 classrooms) and is able to accommodate approximately 42 students on the autism spectrum from kindergarten to Year 6. For all enrolment enquiries contact us at:
Tel: 02 4285 2393 Email: southcoast@autismspectrum.org.au
In other exciting news, we have entered into a Partnership with the University of Wollongong (UoW) which allows us to host additional classrooms at the campus. UoW campus hosts two K-2 classes. In 2024 we will be opening two Secondary classrooms to meet the increasing need for high school options in the area.