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Am I Autistic? Getting diagnosed as an adult

30 November 2023

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For many years, the common belief was that autism only affected children, however, through research and further understanding, we now know autism is a lifelong condition.

With more awareness, adult diagnosis is increasing. Similarly, after a child receives a diagnosis, many parents recognise similar behaviours and wonder if they too may be Autistic.

Receiving an autism diagnosis as an adult has been a positive and transformative experience for some, while for others it may result in more questions than answers, causing confusion and frustration.

Pros of an adult autism diagnosis

  • Greater self-awareness: The diagnosis often provides a sense of relief and validation. Understanding that there's a neurological basis for certain differences may bring clarity to past experiences.
    As one adult shared: "I understand there's a reason why I am the way I am… the more I learn about autism, the more it explains me."
    Embracing an Autistic identity may instil pride, improving self-esteem and self-image. Some adults become advocates for neurodiversity, and by sharing their experiences, reduce stigmas, expose myths and promote understanding.
  • Understanding past relationships: Many adults on the autism spectrum find that a diagnosis sheds light on past relationships and social interactions. It provides a framework for understanding social nuances and the impact of communication differences, fostering personal growth and potentially improving current and future relationships.
  • Discovering you're not alone: An autism diagnosis may connect you with the broader autism community who share similar experiences. Feeling seen, heard, and understood fosters a sense of belonging.
  • Accessing support: An autism diagnosis can lead to various forms of support, ranging from disability services to workplace accommodations and tailored coping strategies, as well as therapy services.
  • Empowering Self-Advocacy: Armed with a diagnosis, adults are better equipped to understand their unique needs and communicate them to others. Expressing sensory needs or other challenges becomes more manageable when there's a recognised basis for validation.

Cons of receiving an adult autism diagnosis

While the benefits of an autism diagnosis for adults are significant, its important to recognise there are a range of emotions felt post diagnosis, from relief to grief, self-doubt to empowerment and everything in between. According to recent research, disclosing autism to family, friends and colleagues may also be met with skepticism, and there may be wait times to access adult-specific services and support. However, these challenges, are often outweighed by gaining more self-awareness and understanding.

What’s the next step?

If you would like to explore getting an autism diagnosis, the first step is to consult a medical professional, such as a General Practitioner (GP), psychologist or psychiatrist, who can provide some advice, further reading or research and/or a referral. (A referral isn’t necessary to get an autism diagnosis though.)

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