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"I am able to deliver a service in an environment that’s completely comfortable for our participants. I feel that the whole world is my office and I’ve really enjoyed is getting to be in a different area every day. I’m never bored!"


Ghaida joined Aspect as a graduate speech pathologist at the beginning of 2023 having completed her Masters in Speech Pathology at the University of Technology, Sydney.

As an itinerant therapist, Ghaida meets participants in their environments.

“I am able to deliver a service in an environment that’s completely comfortable for the participants. I feel the whole world is my office, and have really enjoyed getting to be in a different area every day.

“Working in a completely mobile role is a switch to what I previously knew. I completed placements in private, hospital-based setting, where I always had people around me. But in my role at Aspect, I find I collaborate even more and with colleagues that have different skill sets. I can comfortably say I’ve never had such close collaboration with so many professionals before!

“I’ve found it so easy to have discussions with OT’s, Psychologists and PBS practitioners regarding shared participants and their goals. I’m continually learning and developing. I’m able to contact team members and they always provide me with support and guidance. They have also encouraged me to trust my own judgement and clinical reasoning.”

As Ghaida’s built her caseload, she’s enjoyed working with participants and their support network.

“One of the most rewarding parts of my role as a Speechie is seeing the development and progress that the participants make every week. Seeing them reach new goals and work so hard is really amazing.

“I also enjoy helping families navigate through the initial confusion, and emotional turmoil that sometimes comes with a diagnosis. Getting to be a main point of contact for these families, and working together to focus on their child’s strengths and interests, has really allowed me to deliver therapy in a positive light.”

When asked why Ghaida joined Aspect and what advice she has for someone considering working with Aspect, she said:

“Really consider what your work goals are. It’s been a great fit for me as I have a strong passion for helping Autistic adults and children reach their goals in a completely neuro-affirming way. Capacity building is what our therapy is built on and Aspect’s approach consists of a holistic approach to therapy, where we take into account everyone involved in the participant’s life.”

Read more about our Aspect Speech Pathologists and SP Week.
