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Get ready for an exhilarating transformation! Aspect is thrilled to announce a dynamic brand refresh that mirrors our commitment to innovation, excellence and our purpose

Why are we refreshing our brand now?

Firstly, our current brand name, "Autism Spectrum Australia" abbreviated to "Aspect," has led to confusion in the market. Whether it's a misunderstanding of our dual identity or a lack of awareness about either name, it has inadvertently diluted our brand equity. It's time to streamline our identity for greater clarity and impact.

Secondly, in the face of evolving market, we recognise the need to adapt. In this dynamic market, building a strong brand that meets the needs of our participants, students, families and carers is most important to us.

Lastly, consistency is key! Our brand should mirror our organisation's purpose, values, and strategic direction. We're unifying our brand to create a cohesive and impactful presence across all aspects of our organisation.

Here is what to expect…

Aspect name change

We have moved to the shortened Aspect name for our externally facing brand. The legal business name remains Autism Spectrum Australia.

Updated logo

We have a new, modernised logo which is a testament to our strong heritage as well as our future commitment to innovation and excellence.

Dynamic colours

We have introduced a new colour palette with both vibrant and calming colours, reflecting the energy of our organisation

Elegant typography

Our new font enhances readability and adds a touch of class to our brand.

Updated iconography

We have introduced a new simplified approach to brand icons to improve consistency and align with the new look and feel.

Domain name change

We have moved away from “” to “”.

  • Website: When visiting the Aspect website, you can now use the shorter "" address. Any existing links and shortcuts to "", will continue to work and these links will still take you to your destination
  • Email: From 5 March 2024, you will no longer need to type the full "" address for emails to Aspect staff. You can now use "". Any emails using the old "" email address will continue to work.
  • Existing Aspect emails and newsletters: Going forward, Aspect newsletters and organisational emails (such as our "a different brilliant" newsletter, Principal’s newsletter and ARCAP newsletter) will be sent from the new "" address. Subscribers should not have to change any of their settings to continue to receive these emails.

Website overhaul

Our website has undergone a stunning rebrand featuring ou new logo, font, and vibrant colours. This is just the beginning – stay tuned for a comprehensive overhaul of the site's structure and content.

For more answers to questions you may have, please check out our FAQs

Our brand refresh is an exciting milestone for Aspect. Join us on our journey.

Stepping into a new era banner2
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