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The Neurodiversity Rainbow, supported by Autism Spectrum Australia, is marching in the 2024 Sydney Mardi Gras parade for our sixth year in a row. The theme this year is ‘Our Future…’ calling us to imagine what the future could hold for the LGBTQIA+ community and by the neurodivergent community

Here are a few of our plans and things to consider before submitting your EOI:

Our creative concept this year will focus on Glimmers, which are experiences felt by neurodivergent people that are the opposite of a trigger, they are something that bring great joy and excitement to a neurodivergent person. Whether it be a particular smell, sound or sensation, Glimmers are a part of our vision for the future. By focusing our attention on positive neurodivergent experiences rather than negatives, we are forging a path toward greater inclusion and understanding.

This year The Neurodivergent Rainbow will unfortunately not have a vehicle that can carry parade participants and will have space for a maximum of 40 participants to march.

All participants will be required to attend a planning and information session held before the parade at Marrickville Public School on the 10th of February 2024 (in-person and Zoom options are available). If you are unable to attend this session you will not be eligible to march in the parade.

The Parade route is on Oxford Street and begins from Whitlam Square, ending at the Tibby Cotter Bridge, a total distance of 1.7 kilometers (35 minutes).

The deadline for submitting your Expression of Interest below is Monday 29th January 10am (Sydney time).

Aspect will be required to register the names and contact details of the final 40 participants with Mardi Gras before Friday 23 February 2024.

Priority participant spaces will be given to Autistic LGBTQIA+ people and their support people/workers.

SGLMG have planned the 2024 Parade in accordance with the current NSW Public Health Orders.

Each confirmed participant will be emailed a unique code to pre-register themselves, must have valid photo ID and must agree to the Sydney Mardi Gras Terms and Conditions.

Please complete this form by 29th Jan 2024, 10am, to register your interest in marching with The Neurodiversity Rainbow. Someone from the working group will be in touch shortly after your application.

Register your expression of interest to be a parade participant with The Neurodiversity Rainbow.

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For more information you can email us directly
