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“As an autism-specific service provider Aspect welcomes the Disability Royal Commission as an important and positive step towards realising the rights of the people we support,” Mr Ford said.

“The Disability Royal Commission provides people on the autism spectrum with an opportunity to make people aware of the challenges and issues that they have experienced in their lives.

“And while we recognise that making a submission of this nature may be very difficult and painful for some people, we really want to stress the importance of this opportunity.”

The Disability Royal Commission was announced by the Federal Government in April this year and public submissions to the commission opened this week. It is expected to run for three years, with the main inquiry held in Brisbane but hearings and community forums taking place around the country.

The Disability Royal Commission will consider the lived experiences in any setting involving:

  • Incidents of violence, neglect, abuse, exploitation of people with disability
  • Complaints processes and outcomes; and
  • Lack of access to support or services

It will also examine the quality of disability support services and examples of best practice and innovation.

Information about the Disability Royal Commission, including the Terms of Reference and easy read questions and answers, can be viewed at the Disability Royal Commission Website or via the Aspect website, where regular information about the Commission will be posted.

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