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Autism & ADHD assessments

Aspect is now offering comprehensive ADHD assessments, as well as autism & cognitive assessments.

Waitlists are currently under 3 months. Learn more and complete an intake enquiry below.

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City2Surf 2024!

Be part of our team in the world’s largest fun run on Sunday 11th August to conquer Heartbreak Hill. Together we can create a more inclusive, autism-friendly Australia.

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Newly diagnosed?

We’re looking for adults who have received a formal autism diagnosis in the last six months to provide feedback on a new autism “Welcome Pack”, which provides information to assist Autistic adults in their everyday lives.

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Help a child like Callen

Make your tax-deductable donation today and ensure more children like Callen have access to the understanding and services they need to thrive.
Your support can help them find their own, unique brilliance.

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Get involved

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Fundraise for Aspect

There are lots of ways you can show your support for people on the autism spectrum and their families.

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Offices in NSW, ACT, SA and VIC, and offer services across Australia