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In this blog post, Alexandra shares some of her recent airport experiences, tried and tested tips to make travel easier and a new research study aimed at improving airport accessibility.
Meet Jess Horn, an author navigating life as a late-diagnosed Autistic individual. On her fourth World Autism Understanding Day with this personal knowledge, Jess shares her journey of self-acceptance amidst challenges and misconceptions.
Mardi Gras 2023
For years I was a Mardi Gras spectator in awe of the sparkles, rainbows and everyone in the Parade being themselves. I spent years wishing I was in the Parade. This year, I too became a sparkly, rainbow covered human. I will remember for the rest of my life.
Self care
As an Autistic person or a parent of a child on the autism spectrum, it can be challenging to prioritise self-care. Often, the demands of daily life can leave little time or energy for attending to personal needs. However, self-care is essential for promoting overall health and well-being, reducing stress levels, and improving the ability to cope with life's challenges.
Aspect ACS Altona Meadows at VU March 2023 51 Webiste
All students with a disability have the right to participate in education on the same basis as other students. If you are on the autism spectrum, that means having equal access to the higher education opportunities you aspire to, with the support and reasonable adjustments you might need.
Kids Books
Aspect reviews the top children's books for parents and families or teachers to explore with their children.
Trio blog image4
Making the world more autism-friendly is not as hard as you think – all it can take is a shift in perspective. To help shed some light on this topic, we reached out to community leaders and autistic advocates to ask what they think.
Autism Myths unsplash
There are many myths and misconceptions about autism. Just as every person is unique and an individual, with their own idiosyncrasies, interests and hobbies, it’s important to remember ‘When you’ve met one person on the autism spectrum, you’ve met one person on the autism spectrum’
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